My Purim Felt Board Set
The story of Purim can now be told with characters that match its Persian origins. This twenty piece set includes King Achashverosh, Queen Vashti, Queen Esther, Mordechai, and the evil Haman. It also includes the four mitzvot associated with Purim: reading the Megillah, mishloach manot, the Seudah, and tzedakah. I have also included a gragger, because what Purim would be complete without it..
Leon created the art, and each set is printed to order on thick, American made, stiffened felt.
Shabbat Felt-Board Illustrations
Rosh Hashanah Felt-Board Illustrations
Pesach Felt-Board Illustrations
Sukkot Felt-Board Illustrations
Chanukkah Felt-Board Illustrations