Welcome to Morah Leora’s world of Jewish storytelling.

Morah Leora is an extraordinary storyteller who has touched hearts and minds around the globe. Her remarkably fun and funny children’s stories have been featured on J-Kids Radio, where they continue to leave a lasting impression on young listeners. She is also a founding faculty member of RISE-YL, a NewCAJE storytelling initiative, and a faculty member of Grow Us A Jewish Story, an initiative of Jennifer Rudick Zunikoff.

As a best-selling children’s author and lifelong storyteller, Morah Leora regularly visits schools, synagogues, and organizations, where her words come to life through captivating performances, sometimes with the help of her puppet, Mazal.

Morah Leora is a facilitator for the Teach The Shoah organization, where she tells stories as a profound tribute to her family's history. By sharing family memories from the Shoah, she preserves the voices of those who came before her. Moreover, drawing on her extensive knowledge of Jewish lore and tradition, she imparts the timeless wisdom of Torah parshah stories and midrashim, instilling a deep appreciation for Jewish culture in people of all ages.

Embark on a transformative journey through the power of storytelling with Morah Leora, and experience the magic that unfolds when learning, heritage, and imagination meets inspiration.