Passing On Jewish Values
L’dor Vador! Together we can pass Jewish values on to the next generation.
Let me help you preserve our Jewish heritage in the hearts of generations to come.
I am Morah Leora
I know how it feels to keep a class, a school, and a community engaged and thriving. As a veteran educator, I have worked with schools and synagogues from South Africa to the United States, bringing a fresh, fun, engaging approach to teaching and sharing Judaism through story, song, and art.
I have published ten children’s books, two of which have become best-sellers, and I share stories, art and activities with schools and communities around the world.
Books That Make Jewish Learning Fun!
Fun Morah Leora Apparel and Gifts
Morah Leora is available for Zoom and in-person book readings, storytelling events, and classes. Children love to hear the author of their favorite Morah Leora books read to them, and adults are enthralled by the growing repertoire of stories that range from the maven of Hotcheplotch to the bagel bakers of New York. Invite Morah Leora into your classroom, community group, or synagogue for an unforgettable experience.
My deepest heartfelt thanks for making the Mask Mitzvah a best seling book.