New Release
Creation for the Imagination
Morah Leora has produced a book that tells the creation story through her vibrant art, with a text that gives every storyteller the opportunity to make it their own. The story can be as simple or as complex and nuanced as needed, and the guide to quilling in the back is sure to spark creativity and joy in children of every age.
A Child’s Telling of Moses and the Ten Commandments
Shortly after leaving slavery in Egypt, the Children of Israel stop at the foot of Mount Sinai. Moses goes up the mountain to receive the Ten Commandments. When he returns, he finds his people have lost faith and given in to fear. Shira, a child, tells this exciting biblical story from her point of view. The book, illustrated by the author using clay models, is a colorful and fun read for the classroom or bedtime. Parents and teachers will enjoy the Children's Ten Commandments at the back, presented in terms suitable for children at the pre-K level.
Books Available on Amazon and Etsy
Danika decides to make the most of her lovely Etrog
Sometimes, the things we consider trash can have a beautiful new purpose. In this story, Danika discovers that an Etrog can be very useful long after Sukkot is over. This fun story told in photographs is a great way to let children know about the Jewish concept of Bal Tashchit, do not waste.
The Mask Mitzvah is officially a Best seller
What happens when a nasty virus meets its match? This fun story helps young children understand the reasons we protect and ourselves and others from disease. To beat the virus we all need to do a mitzvah by wearing a mask, washing our hands, and staying in bed if we get a temperature or a cough.
Tree and Bird Celebrate Simchat Torah
Tree is curious about the celebrations in the valley below. Bird goes off to learn more about the joyful singing and laughter. The story he tells Tree on his return gives both of them hope.
Bird Experiences Havdalah on His Long Journey South
Bird has to leave his best friend Tree to travel South for the winter. Along the way, Bird makes many friends and learns that he is always close to Israel and his friend Tree.
Flurble is Reading Fun
Flurble makes reading and learning exciting and fun. The story is classroom tested to bring howls of laughter. It feels mischievous and disgusting. That makes story time irresistible. Children in Teacher Lee’s preschool class love Flurble. They read and reread the book to each other. That stimulates memory, comprehension, communication, letter recognition, and much more. As Teacher Lee says, “children play to learn, let’s all learn to play!”
Count With Norman
Naughty Norman is a beloved character in Morah Leora’s preschool classroom. He has helped educate thousands of children and he never fails to make circle time fun. Now Naughty Norman can teach counting skills and time concepts to preschoolers and early readers in your home. Count along using the dots on the page while Norman stays hidden, and discuss the meaning of units of time. This book is wonderful bedtime read too.
Millie Wears a Mask, Because She Cares
This is the secular partner to The Mask Mitzvah. We received many requests from secular educators who needed a book like this in the classroom. It is the same fun story about nasty viruses and a hero with a mask. I hope educators find it useful in the classroom.
Millie Usa una Máscara, Porque Le Importa
Cuando un virus desagradable llega a la ciudad, la buena acción de Millie evita que muchas más personas se enfermen. Este libro ofrece a los niños una razón estupenda para lavarse las manos, taparse la nariz y la boca cuando tosen o estornudan y para retirarse de otras personas si no se sienten bien. Es una lectura divertida con un mensaje serio, perfecto para los educadores que regresan al salón y los adultos preocupados por la salud de sus hijos.